Somehow I stumbled upon a blog yesterday. It is called According to Kelly. Well, she had a featured blogger friend named Lindsay write a guest post on her blog. It was a tutorial on how to make a Book Wreath. The BEST part about this wreath is that it only costs $2!!!!!!!!!!! That's right, folks, TWO SMACKEROOS! If you make it and hate it, you can chunk it and not feel bad about the wasted money. So, I took myself to the Dollar Tree today and bought a wreath and a book. I choose a Christmas novel. I wondered if I might like to read the book, but I figure with a 3 year old and 4 month, I will not be reading any novels around Christmas time this year. So, I gave myself permission to destroy a perfectly good book. I think it was worth it.....what do you think?
I think the only thing I did differently from the original instructions was I wrapped the wreath in pages first. My wreath was green. Lindsay's was white. I figured the green would really show through if I didn't cover it. Here are the photos I took as I constructed my wreath.
Step 1: Gather supplies (wreath, book, glue gun, brown paint)
Step 2: Paint the edges of the book
Step 3: Cover the wreath with pages from the book
Step 4: Begin to cover the bottom of the wreath with folded pages. Check out Lindsay's tutorial for more detail instructions. She even provided a video tutorial.
Step 5: Flip it over
Step 6 (optional): If you are 35 weeks pregnant. This is a good time to stop for a snack! Mmmmm. Vanilla yogurt with granola!
Step 7: Start covering the front of the wreath with the folded pages
I am not sure of the wreath's final destination, but for now....this will do.
Thanks to Lindsay and Kelly for sharing this tutorial!
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